Environmental Policy



Ucomm Group is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment.

We aim to meet the expectations of the customers for quality and service, by providing a safe working environment for our employees, contractors, customers and the environment alike.

We believe that all Ucomm Group employees and everyone associated with the Company have an important role to play in helping to achieve our environmental objectives and targets.

The key points of its strategy to achieve this are:

  • Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible
  • Use energy efficient equipment where possible
  • Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers
  • Source and promote a product range to minimise the environmental impact of both production and distribution
  • Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company
  • Attempt to reduce the environmental impact that relates to shipping by (where applicable) aiming to purchase more locally produced products. Regularly reviewing pollution based practices and further monitor them by minimizing the creation of waste
  • Train and educate our employees and advise contractors in respect to the environmental policy and objectives


Our Plan


  • Room Lighting - Lights are turned off when not in use
  • Computers & Monitors - Computers, monitors & other office machines are turned off when not in use. Only Energy Star certified monitors are used on workstations to reduce energy use
  • Photocopiers/Printers - Photocopiers and printers are set to default to double sided printing where possible
  • Dishwashers - Lunch area dishwashers utilise "Economy" or "Short Wash" settings to ensure low water consumption
  • Air Conditioning - Air conditioning systems are turned off at the end of each day and on weekends
  • Paper - Staff in office areas are encouraged to reduce paper usage and most offices have gone paperless
  • Mail - Use email where possible
  • Faxes - We utilise an electronic fax solution for all incoming and outgoing faxes eliminating the use of paper unless required for items such as contracts which require signing. Only pages containing the necessary information will be printed.



  • Cardboard - Cardboard is stored in recycling bins where it is collected by recycling companies
  • Documentation - Waste A4 paper with non-confidential information is separated and stored for reuse within the office.
  • Batteries - Batteries recycle bins are provided at each office and each quarter, the batteries are sent to appropriate service providers for recycling/disposal


Suppliers / Contractors / Supply of goods

  • Suppliers
    • Only purchase off vendors on the preferred suppliers list who have documented Environmental/Green Statements
    • Reduce environmental impact associated with shipping by where applicable, aim to purchase more locally produced products.
  • Projects & Supply of Goods
    • Remove and dispose of equipment replaced at the Clients premises.
    • Disposal of the removed equipment by a approved service provider for recycling
    • Use energy efficient equipment where possible
    • Ensure all worksites are cleared of rubbish when projects complete
    • Regularly reviewing pollution based practices and monitor them, by minimising the creation of waste
  • Contractors
    • Ensure all contractors adhere to our environmental policy
  • Online Payments
    • Online creditor/supplier payments are processed via EFT to minimise the use of paper products
    • Monthly payslips are sent via email to all staff in order to eliminate paper usage in our monthly payroll process


At all levels of the organisation we will encourage a culture of environmental awareness and expect directors, managers and employees to act in a responsible manner through the support and application of this policy.

Regular reviews shall be conducted of the Environmental Policy to ensure it is continually improving.