Virtual Sleep Training


When your baby or toddler isn’t sleeping, and you are exhausted and at the end of your rope, it’s time to start working on sleep. The thing is, though, that while some parents are able to sleep train on their own, without help, lots of other parents have no luck with a do-it-yourself approach to sleep training. Those parents end up needing outside help with their sleep training.

3 Reasons Why Virtual Sleep Help May Be A Better Choice Than In-Home Sleep Help

  1. Location is not an issue. In-home sleep consultants are, understandably, pretty tied to serving one geographical area only. Similarly, if you as a parent are determined to use an in-home consultant, you will no doubt have a very limited pool of consultants from which to choose. And if you live in a remote location, it may be impossible to find an in-home consultant at all! And of course, there’s no guarantee that the limited number of in-home sleep consultants in your area will actually be a good fit for your situation. But with virtual sleep consulting from Tresillian, you have a team of 12 experienced, expert sleep consultants standing by, ready to work with you and your family.

  2. Virtual consultations are generally more affordable. Do-it-yourself sleep training resources, like articles or e-Books or memberships, tend to be a parent’s least-expensive sleep coaching options. However, if you decide that you need personalized help for your baby or toddler’s sleep, then a personalized consultation from Tresillian is definitely an affordable option. In-home consultants typically charge higher prices for their services (understandably, since there is travel and time away from home involved). However, this puts in-home consultations out of reach for many families, who can’t afford to pay hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars for one or two nights of in-home sleep help.

  3. Your space (and schedule) remain yours! Granted, this one is more of a personal preference, but I know that lots of our clients appreciate that their consultants never enter their homes. It’s nice to be able to communicate with your consultant when you’re un-showered and still in in your P.J.’s, and to not have to worry about that! And it’s nice that communication can happen on your timing – with a virtual consultation, you can fill out your family history form at your convenience, read your Personalized Sleep Plan at your convenience, ask follow-up email questions at your convenience, etc.


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